Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Pregnancy Updates

Sorry for the lack of blogs. I have excuses, but... eh. I realized today that you may not remember that I am pregnant because I have been so absent - Heaven forbid! I am sorry, dear readers, that I have robbed you of my pregnancy over sharing.  Allow me to catch you up, and indulge in way too many bump pics. 

Sweet Baby O is still scheduled to arrive June 4, as "scheduled" as any non-surgical due date can be anyway. Let's be honest, babies come when they are good and ready. 

This little peanut is already a snuggly, cuddly, little one! At our 20 week anatomy scan, baby was so comfy and uncooperative that the tech couldn't get the images she needed, no matter how much she tried. Little stinker!

I am finally starting to feel like I look pregnant. Husby is excited for that because I can finally stop asking him if "I look pregnant, or just chubby?" For the record, he has been wonderfully insistent that I have looked pregnant for weeks... God love him! 

23 weeks! More than half way there. The first 16 weeks dragggggggged on. Between waiting every day to see if this little babe would get to stay with us, to the absolute pregnancy exhaustion - which, by the way, NO ONE can fully prepare you for weeks of feeling like you've been hit by a truck! (I've never had mono, but I'm pretty sure that's what I felt like for weeks 7-14ish) - the days dragged (drug? #whocares) on. Oh also, there was this little thing called "Morning sickness" (also not prepared for that) which I had from about week 6 to week 8. And then, at week 8, I stopped just feeling nauseous, and started actually throwing up. Daily. Sometimes multiple times a day. 

I counted down the days until my first tri would be over and I could stop throwing up. And when I got to week 18, I tried to not think about how many weeks I had spent hung over all of the toilets in SoCal (literally all of them). My favorite part (not) was when people would ask how I was feeling, be surprised when I told them the truth, and then tell me "don't worry... You'll be to the end of it soon! How many weeks are you?" I celebrated Week 20 (NOT within the First Trimester of pregnancy, for those of you who have difficulty dividing 40 by 3 #errbody) by "tossing the proverbial cookies" as I shared on el FB (though it wasn't actually cookies, because #gfsfdfsucks ). I actually started to feel better for most of week 22, but don't get too excited, because I celebrated those 3-4 glorious days by getting sick again yesterday. 
People tell me "it will get..." And I interrupt them: "Nope. We're past that point ::SMILE:: looks like we're in it for the long haul." 

And that's okay, because... Baby. (All the heart eyes)

More updates for you- like the story about our scary ultrasound, and MORE! Coming up on the blog... At some point (let's keep it real ;). 

In the meantime, want some awkward bump selfies??? I know you do. 

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