Monday, February 9, 2015

Genetic Counseling, High Risk OB, results, and more! (part 2)

(I know the story is long, so I split it into 2 parts-- though if you're anything like me, you'll want to read to the end of the story anyway :)

Enter High Risk OB, stage right
The first words he said (apart from introducing himself) were music to our ears: "I'm pretty straight-forward. You're going to know everything I know today, I'll tell you what I see when I see it." Thank God we wouldn't have to wait for a report! 

The second thing he said was almost better: "I have looked at the radiologist's report and the original images, and I don't see what he thinks he saw, but we'll take a look and see if we see anything of concern." I breathed the biggest sigh of relief.

He explained that he would look at the heart, and kidneys, and measure baby's femurs (a common indicator for Down Syndrome, I guess). I let him know, much to my Husby's chagrin, that we were waiting to discover the sex of the baby until birth. He joked with us about not worrying, we wouldn't be able to decifer what was what in the ultrasound without him telling us. 

We got to see everything he saw. It was glorious. He explained everything he was looking at. He showed us the baby's femur, and I looked at the screen....

Femur, baby butt, femur... Hmmmm... I'm no expert (I thought to myself), but I know  the difference between a penis and a vagina. And I FOR SURE do not see any boy parts! I think we're having a girl! I kept it to myself because, after all, I'm not an OB, and I could totally have been confused about what I saw- there was still a chance at being surprised!

The OB told us that femurs measured normal, and what they thought was a Cardiac Foci in the heart, was actually just a muscle that was lighting up brightly, and that all the chambers of the heart looked normal, and the muscles were shaped the way they were supposed to be. The kidneys were measuring right on the outer range of normal, but he felt that it was not an indication of any defect and it would self-correct. He said baby looked  good and healthy and there was no indication to him of anything high risk and we should have an easy and uncomplicated delivery (please baby Jesus!) 

He then proceeded to try to take some quick pictures for us, and little peanut still would not cooperate. He printed them anyway, along with a report of all the measurements he had taken of the organs, etc. It was Greek to me, so I handed it to Alex to hold while I wiped the ultrasound goo off my belly. 

I saw his face light up. 
He silently turned the paper I had just handed him toward me and pointed to the upper right hand corner. 


All my pregnancy hopes for a gender reveal after labor were dashed in that instant. It was official, not just my guess of what I saw on an ultrasound. Alex was jumping out of his seat with excitement, and all I wanted to do was cry over my loss of a major part of my birth plan. 

But really, that lasted about 2 minutes. 

Also, my favorite part about this story is that Alex tried to console me after we left the office while he is practically jumping for joy with excitement (he REALLY wanted to know what we were having, and REALLY was hoping for a girl). He suggested that we could just not tell anyone else what we were having if it would make me feel better. Hahaha. I laughed and said, "yeah, how long were you able to keep the secret from me? Not even a second!" Oh well. I think it's God's little gift to Alex, and I'm okay with that. 

Baby is healthy!
Baby is a SHE!

Glory to God!
Thank you all for your prayers. 

Yes, we have a name picked. No, I'm not going to share what it is. SOMETHING has to be revealed after birth! ;)

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