Friday, December 5, 2014
Sweet Baby O
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Reflections on Apartment Living (and other first world problems)
After further exploration (via getting my hiny out of bed and walking to the front of our apartment) I realized that actually, it was MAJOR construction happening on our staircase which is approximately 3 feet from our front door. The same staircase that, for the first 4 months of living here, swayed from side to side as we climbed to the second floor because it was that poorly attached to the building, and the same staircase that causes our entire side of the building to shake like an earthquake should anyone decide to conquer the steps with any sort of tenacity (ie: walking quickly, trotting, stomping, storming, running...etc.).
Speaking of earthquake, we had one! In March of this year. Alex and I were not home (thank God!) because I had enough of a scary "the world is going to end, and we're all going to die" moment just 32 miles away from the epicenter, which was less than a mile from our apartment. Actually, based on the damage to our apartment (and the complex), I'm convinced (because I'm an expert in tectonic ridges and all the things) that the ridge actually ran down the center of our apartment. I think that, not because I have studied seismic activity (as you might assume), but because all of our stuff (technical term) on one side of the apartment was thrown one way, and one the other side was thrown another way. This is scientific observation at its finest, really. Wanna see pictures? I know you're dying to.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Radio Silence
It has been over 2 months since my last post (I had to go back and look.. I wasn't counting, I swear), and even those posts from 2 months ago are kind of cheater posts because they weren't for my personal blog, they were a blog project for my parish. Side note: what was I thinking committing to write a blog for a parish 30-Day prayer challenge, when I hadn't succeeded recently at posting blogs for more than 2 or 3 days in a row on my own blog?? I am crazy. But I did learn a ton from that experience! Mostly, that I CAN make myself blog more consistently, and that I am more likely to force myself to write for other people, than because it's something I want to do. That's a frightening thought, isn't it? Anyway...thoughts for a separate blog. :)
I have been ruminating in the silence... although I know that doesn't help you, dear reader, because you only hear the silent part... but I will share some of my thoughts and concerns, and I hope you will chime in as well!
One thing that I found to be very difficult in the Prayer Challenge project (you can go back in my previous posts to access those if you're curious) was the lack of interaction by the readers. I am very troubled by this! I want to blog, and I want to share about life and thoughts and beautiful/hard/messy things, but I don't want to be a window display where people walk by, stare, take it all in, maybe even think some thoughts to themselves, and then move along to the next window. I want to be a part of an online community of sharing, supporting, challenging, participating in each other's lives/blogs.
And this has had me thinking for the last two months...
How do I contribute to this culture?
I do it, you guys! So much! And I hate that I do it, but still, it continues.
The biggest culprit for me: the Face Books.
I'm almost embarrassed to admit my routine, but in the interest of full disclosure (and self-mortification, apparently):
I wake up, grab phone, scroll through Instagram (my fave) until I catch up to where I left off last time I scrolled through, and when I have exhausted that... I move onto FB. And for some reason, I get really stuck there. I don't know why, I don't even like it, and often feel "bored" there, but I just scroll and scroll and scroll. And you know what I have discovered? I don't even really read anything. I read the headings of articles people post, and occasionally I'll actually click on them and read them, but I mostly just scroll, and "like" and move on. To what end?
And this is what has kept me away from blogging..
I just scroll away my time, and my inspiration, and my thoughts... and I turn into a Zombie...and I typically leave a little depressed.
That. is. madness.
And I don't want to feed that monster anymore.
I want to say the things that are whirling around in my head.
And have actual interaction with other bloggers.
And contribute something beautiful and meaningful to my corner of the internet.
So, I'm going to try to replace that FB time slot with blogging. Reading blogs, commenting on blogs, posting blogs, thinking about blogging.
So please, dear readers, help me.
I want to hear your thoughts, reactions, comments, complaints.
Don't fall into the trap of the "casual observer" - be a participant... and I will be fighting for it right alongside you.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Blog re-re-(re?) Launch!
Well, as much as I love my mom (and I do... A LOT), the more appropriate title for my blog would be:
A Blog for My Bestie
Let's be real- she's the one that I owe 0285782721 blogs to.
She is the one that texts me and begs me to post.
She is currently my only official follower (although I have over 600 views, so either clicking on my blog is her favorite past-time, or there are some other lurkers out there in the interwebs).
She is also the blog re-designer extraordinare who is responsible for this beautiful new page!
I mean, she is THE Mexican Domestic Goddess, after all.
Here's the thing... since I created this blog, I just didn't feel like it was designed quite right. But I don't have all the skills, and I'm stubborn and wanted to do it on my own (please tell me someone in blog-land hears me on that!). And, although I have many excuses for not blogging, one of the most common was that I just didn't feel proud of the aesthetic of my little corner of the sky. It just wasn't really me. It was too dark, and heavy, and although it did have polka dots (which I LURVE!) it didn't feel airy and free like I wanted it to.
So I asked Jacqui if she would be willing to play with it and make it more... "ME"
Because... who knows what's "you" more than your best girl friend, right?
My requests: 1.POLKA. DOTS. 2.Lighter/more airy 3. clean/stream-lined 4. more "ME"
Well, she pretty much nailed it, first time. Don't you think?
So, that's once excuse not to blog, down...
87 more to go! ;)
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
St. Peter St. Paul CrossFit 30-day Prayer Challenge: Maegan - Practicing the Presence of God
Monday, August 11, 2014
St. Peter St. Paul CrossFit 30-day Prayer Challenge: Maegan - Breathing Again.
St. Peter St. Paul CrossFit 30-day Prayer Challenge: Maegan- Revealing Attachments.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
St. Peter St. Paul CrossFit 30-day Prayer Challenge: Maegan - "will" versus "shall"
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
St. Peter St. Paul CrossFit 30-day Prayer Challenge: Maegan - Trying something new.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
St. Peter St. Paul CrossFit 30-day Prayer Challenge: Maegan - Day 2. "Uprooted"
Monday, August 4, 2014
St. Peter St. Paul CrossFit 30-day Prayer Challenge: Maegan - Day One
St. Peter St. Paul CrossFit 30-day Prayer Challenge: Failing to plan...
The goal is simple: 30 days of prayer. Individually, but also, together in communion as a Church. We so easily (or sometimes not so easily) commit to 30-day weight loss challenges, instagram photo-a-day challenges, or blogging challenges- so why not work on transforming our prayer life?
Even if you are not a parishioner, but would like to join us, please link up! We can all support one another in this journey of prayer, and hopefully inspire one another along the way!
St. Peter St. Paul CrossFit 30-day Prayer Challenge: Failing to plan...: ...means planning to fail, right? How many times have you heard that phrase? Perhaps more to the point: how many times have you lived that ...
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Linking up with CatholicAllYear: Answer Me This!
Guys, I have SO much I should be doing so, you know, bring on the blog!
I'm learning about all of this fancy, schmancy blog world and let me tell you, things have changed since the days of livejournal. Amiright? I didn't need my bestie boo to show me around in high school (let's face it, I did actually, but I didn't know her yet) but thank the Lord she is here to give me a tour of the blog-o-sphere! So, I'm "linking up" for the very first time!
This Linkup comes from the awesome blog: of which, I am a new follower. Here we go!
Full disclosure: YES! But before you throw your tambourine at me and call me a "Traddie" hear me out... I love me some Hillsong United, and can "free praise" with the best of them; I served as a Missionary and staff member with a Catholic Ministry that has it's roots in the charismatic renewal (; I am a LIFE TEEN Youth Minister at my parish; music stirs my soul and that is where God often speaks to me; BUT: Liturgy is Liturgy. And Liturgy is ancient and perfect and always relevant. And there is beauty in the old hymns and chants of the church.
2. What is your priority: eating or sleeping?
Yummm.....sleep! My philosophy is this: sleep is the key to world peace. But also, I get majorly hangry and that is not a pretty thing.
3. What type of milk do you drink in your house?
Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk from Trader Joe's. It is SO creamy and delicious and now I have been ruined and cannot drink any other brand of almond milk.
4. What is a book that changed your perspective on something?
So I grew up knowing about chastity and the sex was good and should be saved for marriage, but the "why" was missing. Good News About Sex and Marriage: Answers to Your Honest Questions about Catholic Teaching by Christopher West ( gave me the "why" and helped me to begin to change my understanding of sex and combat the influences of society on my perspective. Just before I was married, I read: Holy Sex!: A Catholic Guide to Toe-Curling, Mind-Blowing, Infallible Loving by Gregory Popcak, PhD ( which further changed my perspective and helped me address a lot of my subliminal attitudes about sex being shameful or dirty which I had developed over the years and didn't even know were lingering there. I highly recommend both books!
5. Who is your favorite saint?
Ugh. One? Really? Okay, so real talk: I LOVE the sweetness and goodness that is St Therese of Liseaux. And I am so kicked-in-the-butt by the holiness and devotion of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. But I'm probably more like the drag-her-feet, complainy, I-don't-really-want-to-but-okay-you-got-me-God, of Teresa of Avila. And by "more like her" I really just mean natural disposition and in my dreams I'm that holy. Those three women are kind of my whole heart, and they all have adopted me as their "daughter" and kickedmybutt/wonmyheartover to get me to where I am today. "The Teresa's," pray for me!
6. Introvert or extrovert?
I am an introvert that can make myself morph into an extrovert when the situation calls for it (for about 10 minutes) and then I need to hibernate for about a day.
That was fun! I need a nap.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Dear Diary... (A Personal Blogging History)
I hope you enjoy this journey with me. Hopefully, I won't be as awkward, but no guarantees.