Friday, December 5, 2014

Sweet Baby O

It is true, Alex and I are expecting a baby hopefully on or around June 4, 2015. Which makes me 14 weeks and 2 days along right now. Which explains the silence immediately after my zealous return to blogging about...say...6-7 weeks ago or so... Yep. That was right about the point where I was smacked in the face with "Morning Sickness," which, by the way, was obviously named by a man. With a wife who was so sweetly "sick" in the mornings only. I call bull shit. :D

guess now that "the cat's out of the bag" I can finally complain about allthethings -Yesss!
I'm sure there will be many more posts about this later, which you, my dear readers, will be so enthusiastic about, but let me suffice it to say (for now) that I was very optimistic about not feeling sick during pregnancy because my mom never had morning sickness, and that's the best prediction of what your fertility/pregnancies will be like, right? Your mom's experience. Well, I'm kinda sure I've been sick enough for the both of us. And let me say, I was absolutely naive to how much life and energy and enjoyment of food this wonderful little parasite was going to steal from me. I have spent the last 8 weeks laying on my couch, not even being able to quilt (I know!), trying to find something to eat every hour of the day (I never thought I'd hate food so much!), throwing up in all the most bizarre places....Pregnancy is NO JOKE, people! 

There is Sweet Baby O at our first ultrasound (10weeks) if you don't know how to decifer those photos, let me help: baby is "laying on its tummy" (face down) with the head on the left and butt on the right. See the little arms and leg nubs on the bottom??? All the heart eyes. Heart beat was strong- 160 beats per minute. Please keep us, and baby in your prayers- life is so very fragile, and we are grateful for each day. 

Now, to change my "secret" Pinterest Baby boards to public...