Saturday, April 26, 2014

Linking up with CatholicAllYear: Answer Me This!

Guys, I have SO much I should be doing so, you know, bring on the blog!

I'm learning about all of this fancy, schmancy blog world and let me tell you, things have changed since the days of livejournal. Amiright? I didn't need my bestie boo to show me around in high school (let's face it, I did actually, but I didn't know her yet) but thank the Lord she is here to give me a tour of the blog-o-sphere! So, I'm "linking up" for the very first time!

This Linkup comes from the awesome blog: of which, I am a new follower. Here we go!

1. Do you hate happy clappy church music?

Full disclosure: YES! But before you throw your tambourine at me and call me a "Traddie" hear me out... I love me some Hillsong United, and can "free praise" with the best of them; I served as a Missionary and staff member with a Catholic Ministry that has it's roots in the charismatic renewal (; I am a LIFE TEEN Youth Minister at my parish; music stirs my soul and that is where God often speaks to me; BUT: Liturgy is Liturgy. And Liturgy is ancient and perfect and always relevant. And there is beauty in the old hymns and chants of the church.

2. What is your priority: eating or sleeping?

Yummm.....sleep! My philosophy is this: sleep is the key to world peace. But also, I get majorly hangry and that is not a pretty thing.

3. What type of milk do you drink in your house?

Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk from Trader Joe's. It is SO creamy and delicious and now I have been ruined and cannot drink any other brand of almond milk.

4. What is a book that changed your perspective on something?

So I grew up knowing about chastity and the sex was good and should be saved for marriage, but the "why" was missing. Good News About Sex and Marriage: Answers to Your Honest Questions about Catholic Teaching by Christopher West ( gave me the "why" and helped me to begin to change my understanding of sex and combat the influences of society on my perspective. Just before I was married, I read: Holy Sex!: A Catholic Guide to Toe-Curling, Mind-Blowing, Infallible Loving by Gregory Popcak, PhD ( which further changed my perspective and helped me address a lot of my subliminal attitudes about sex being shameful or dirty which I had developed over the years and didn't even know were lingering there. I highly recommend both books!

5. Who is your favorite saint?

Ugh. One? Really? Okay, so real talk: I LOVE the sweetness and goodness that is St Therese of Liseaux. And I am so kicked-in-the-butt by the holiness and devotion of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. But I'm probably more like the drag-her-feet, complainy, I-don't-really-want-to-but-okay-you-got-me-God, of Teresa of Avila. And by "more like her" I really just mean natural disposition and in my dreams I'm that holy. Those three women are kind of my whole heart, and they all have adopted me as their "daughter" and kickedmybutt/wonmyheartover to get me to where I am today. "The Teresa's," pray for me!

6. Introvert or extrovert?

I am an introvert that can make myself morph into an extrovert when the situation calls for it (for about 10 minutes) and then I need to hibernate for about a day.

That was fun! I need a nap.